Anne Grim Hoyos s'impose comme une artiste visionnaire, réputée pour ses œuvres d'anticipation qui imaginent un monde post-changement climatique.
Son travail offre un regard pénétrant sur l'avenir de notre planète. Parmi ses œuvres les plus emblématiques, on retrouve The Present is Predatorial (Palais de Tokyo - 2013), Beyond The Unknown (57e Biennale de Venise - 2017), Leaving Earth (MACO Oaxaca - 2019), et A Submerged World (NMWA - National Museum of Women in the Arts - 2022).
Née à Versailles et ayant grandi entre Buenos Aires, Paris, Le Cap, Montevideo et Londres, Anne Grim Hoyos est une véritable citoyenne du monde. Ses expositions internationales témoignent de son rayonnement global, avec des présentations au Palais de Tokyo à Paris, à Miami Bâle, à la Biennale de Venise, et au musée d’art contemporain d’Oaxaca.
Entre rêve et réalité, Anne crée des œuvres qui interrogent les conséquences de la montée du niveau de la mer sur Terre. Deux thèmes visuels sont particulièrement récurrents dans sa pratique : les “vues du ciel” de la planète submergée et les “requins en vol”, symboles de la résilience et de l’adaptation nécessaires dans un monde en transformation.
Ses recherches artistiques explorent la complexité des enjeux sociaux, urbains et culturels dans un contexte post-changement climatique. Elle s'interroge sur l'évolution de l'humanité face à ces défis : quelle sera la place de l’homme dans ces nouveaux environnements ? Comment l'impact de la "biological singularity" pourrait il remodeler notre existence ? Sous quelle forme la vie se développerait elle ?
Anne Grim Hoyos déploie une palette artistique riche et diversifiée, allant de la peinture à l’installation, du film à la performance, et intégrant également la réalité virtuelle. Son œuvre est une invitation à réfléchir sur notre futur commun et à envisager des possibles inédits pour notre planète.
Pour découvrir davantage sur son univers unique et engagé, suivez Anne Grim Hoyos sur Instagram : @anne_grim_hoyos
#possiblefutures #sealevelrise #speculativelandscapes #3047
Anne Grim Hoyos stands out as a visionary artist, renowned for her anticipatory works that imagine a post-climate change world. Her work offers a penetrating look into the future of our planet. Among her most emblematic works are The Present is Predatorial (Palais de Tokyo - 2013), Beyond The Unknown (57th Venice Biennale - 2017), Leaving Earth (MACO Oaxaca - 2019), and A Submerged World (NMWA - National Museum of Women in the Arts - 2022).
Born in Versailles and having grown up in Buenos Aires, Paris, Cape Town, Montevideo, and London, Anne Grim Hoyos is a true citizen of the world. Her international exhibitions reflect her global influence, with presentations at the Palais de Tokyo in Paris, Miami Basel, the Venice Biennale, and the Museum of Contemporary Art in Oaxaca.
Between dream and reality, Anne creates works that question the consequences of rising sea levels on Earth. Two visual themes are particularly recurrent in her practice: "views from the sky" of the submerged planet and "flying sharks," symbols of the resilience and adaptation needed in a transforming world.
Her artistic research explores the complexity of social, urban, and cultural issues in a post-climate change context. She questions the evolution of humanity in the face of these challenges: What will be the place of humans in these new environments? How might the impact of the "biological singularity" reshape our existence? In what form would life develop?
Anne Grim Hoyos deploys a rich and diverse artistic palette, ranging from painting to installation, film to performance, and also incorporating virtual reality. Her work is an invitation to reflect on our shared future and to envision unprecedented possibilities for our planet.
To discover more about her unique and engaged universe, follow Anne Grim Hoyos on Instagram: @anne_grim_hoyos
#possiblefutures #sealevelrise #speculativelandscapes #3047
Next solo show coming soon: Alpineum Hinterstoder Alpinmuseum 2025 (Austria).
> Venice, Venice Biennale, Arsenale secret appartment - group show: SAS - co curated with Vanya Balogh
> Hampshire, Bull's Bushes Farm, curated by Jane Liddiard
> London, Cross Lane Project, Vestry St Gallery, from 05.2023 to 06.2023 - group show: The gift - curtaed by Vanya Balogh.
> National Museum of Women in the Art - 04.2022 _ A Submered World - online solo show curated by Judith de Mongolfier.
> London The Cello Factory, from 06.2022 to 07.2022 _ Group show: Horizon - curated by Alexander Hinks.
> World Dubaï, WAD art fair 2022, represented by Ephemereye curated by Veronica Shimanovskaya.
> Hampshire, commissioned in situ painting.
> London, RoadMAP21, premanent work in the gardens of Berkeley Square (Mayfair) - curated by Vanya Balogh supported by Artlyst.
> London, The Cello Factory website - from 04.2020 _ Group show: ACID - Curated by Alexandra Baraitser.
> London, The Old Biscuit Factory - 23.01.2020 _ Group show: Baltica, Landscape and memory - Curated by Jude Cowan Montague and Riitta Hakkarainen.
Showing : Submerged Tallinn.
> London, The Cello Factory - 11.01.2020 _ group show: In the Dark - Curated by Genetic Moo (Tim Pickup and Nicola Schauerman) supported by The
Computer Art Society. Showing: Are robots alive? Art performance.
> Oaxaca, Contemporary Art Museum - 21.02.2019 to 22.05.2019 - Installation + Performances: Protocol to Leave the Earth 3047 + VR room: Leaving
Earth 3047 VR extract + group show: Empire II (2 films 1 photography).
> London, The Hospital Club Gallery - 27.06.2019 - solo show
> London, The Cello Factory - 10.2019 _solo show: THE OVERVIEW EFFECT, curtesy Susan Haire, president of The London Group.
> London, 84th London Group Open Call Art Prize - The Cello Factory in association with @artlyst @chelseaartsclub @felixandspear / Schauerman Prize for
Digital Art / Jeff Lowe Sculpure Prize / Victor Kuell Memorial Prize for Innovation / The Ingram Collection Purchase Prize / JPES Partners Prize - 20-29.11.2019
Shortlisted: 198 _ A journey to 3040 curated by: part 1 Tricia Gillmanart & David Redfern / part 2: Bill Watson.
> San Fransisco, the Victoria Theatre - 10.11.2019_ group show: Moving Silentlty show with Richard Marriott orchestra, Curated by Veronica Shimanovskaya
Produced by Ephemereye Art. Showing A SILENT PRESENT ON COLUMBA X - E.Y.* 3047
> Paris, the Aquarium de Paris - 16.09.2019 to 16.11.2019 _ group show: UNE BOUTEILLE À LA MER with the complicity of Nathalie Vranken.
> Paris, A2Z Art Gallery, 14.09.2019 to 05.10.2019 _ group show: 10 ANS DÉJÀ !.> Paris, Granville Gallery - 26.01.2019 to 22.03.2019 - group show:
> Kendal, Cross Lane Project - 03.2019: Minuscule 2019
> Venice, off 58th Venice art Biennale - 05.2019: group show: Minuscule II + Empire II
> Paris, A2Z Art Gallery - 5th of May 2018 _ solo show: Where are we now?
> Paris, Granville Gallery - Octobre 2018 _ solo show: Possible Futures.
> 6 months Residency at the 100ECS art center in Paris.
> Tallinn, Zagreb, Tokyo, Los Angeles and Paris - 12th of June 2018 _ group show: EMPIRE II.
> London, UK Frieze off - October 2018 _ group show : Q Park Cavendish square, Protocol, curated by Vanya Balogh and Geoff Leong, - Octobre
> Paris, Festival 12 x 12, UGC Bercy solo show Hidden rights in 3047.
> Barcelone, SWAB Art Fair 2017, Mannerheim Gallery - duo show curated by Albertine de Galbert
> London, Q-Park Underground Car Park, Chinatown - group show: embracing the underdog, Protocol, supported by Geoff Leong Foundation. UK
> London, Unit One Gallery - group show: EMPIRE II
> Berlin, SPEKTRUM | art science community, Berlin - group show: EMPIRE II curated by Vanya Balogh
> London, Corporate Hospital Club - group show: Where are we now? curated by Alih Hillman
> London, UK Frieze off, Q park Cavendish square - group show: The Crash, curated by Vanya Balogh and Geoff Leong,
> London, SLUICE BIENNALE 2017, PIY PaintLounge, fundraise for Hospital Rooms.
> Kendal, UK - group show: Empire II, co curated by Vanya Balogh, Rebecca Scott & Mark Woods
> Lido Island, 57th Venice Biennale, off - group show: Fit the Slit Part II, curated by Vanya Balogh
> 57th Venice Biennal 57th, parcours officiel britannique - group show: Empire II, curated by Vanya Balogh
> London, White Post gallery in association with corridor Gallery - group show: EMPIRE II, co curated by Vanya Balogh and Marissa Polin
> Brussels Art Week 2017, parcours officiel - group show: EMPIRE II, co curated by Vanya Balogh and Will Kerr
> Los Angeles USA, Mannerheim Gallery, - group show: OH LA LA LAND curated by Coralie Ruiz & Goswellroad Gallery
> Miami USA, off art Basel Miami, Markowicz Fine Art Gallery - solo show: Breaking through
> Paris, Mannerheim Gallery - solo show: collaboration with Thierry de Beaumont for the texts, QUANTUM OF ART, curated by Jenny Mannerheim
> Paris, , Mannerheim Gallery, - group show: OH LA LA LAND curated by Coralie Ruiz & Goswellroad Gallery
> Paris, Granville Gallery - group show: échantillon de la Terre pour l'espace
> Miami USA, Maison & Objet America - group show: Breathe, curated by Design Pub.
> Paris, Aquarium de Paris - solo show: Beyond the Unknown curated by Alexis Powilewicz
> Paris, LVMH, MUFE, duo show avec Peter Zimmermann: Désir Originel curated by Caroline Grange
> Marseille, Fondation Monticelli - solo show: Uchronia Eternae
> Paris, 44 Kleber Gallery - group show in partnership with Bus Expo Air France: Shark, curated by Pierre Cornette de Saint Cyr
> Paris, Galerie Art Ligue - group show: Antichambre des Merveilles, curated by Osca Lam
> Paris, Play with design #3 - group show: Play time, curated by Marine Peyre
> Paris, Musée Fiat - group show with B. Chivers, R. Montgomery, L. Orta, La Fraterie, Marie Pol. : Experience 4x4, curated by Philippe Combre
> Paris, Experience Art Fair in association with Wewalls gallery - group show: Shark, curated by Jonathan Taeb, Frank Elbaz Gallery
> Paris, A2Z Art Gallery - solo show: Beyond the Unknown
> Paris, Aquarium de Paris - solo show: Par-delà les profondeurs
> Paris, Granville Gallery - duo show with Noh Kyung Hwa: Immanence
> Paris, Fondation Antoine de Galbert, le vestibule - group show: Le Mur, La Maison Rouge, curated by Aude Quinchon
> Paris, Première vision, 4eme salon de la Photographie
> Paris, Galerie Metropolis - solo show: L’appartement d'un collectionneur au XXIème siècle
> Paris, Palais de Tokyo - group show with D. Paquignon, Caron et Bachelot, E. Samakh, V. Klotz, J-C Pigeau. : follow on, curated by Isabelle de Marcellus
> Saint Etienne, Biennale internationale de design, parcours offciel - group show : Anomalie, curated by Noémie Bonnet Saint Georges
> Brussels, Pierre Berger - group show: Minimal Catalogue
> Paris, DDays’s, galerie Métropolis - group show: La Confidente 3047
> Paris, Granville Gallery - group show avec Elisabeth Garouste, Matali Crasset, Christian Ghion,... : le gueridon
> Paris, Nuke Gallery - solo show: tomorrow, Vodka and Caviar.
> 1ST DESIGN AWARDS, Prix du design 2012, FR.
> Paris, Galerie Éphémère - group show: Shootings in Croatia, Before and After
Submerged Earth 3047, 2019
entretien menés par
B. Ferenczy, T. de Beaumont et L. Montant, 2015
Thierry de Beaumont,